
Adai, the way I make it, is packed with protein and makes an excellent snack, school-lunch and an equally good meal. It can be served with Coconut Chutney, Butter, Sambar or for some, Jaggery! It is quick to make and unlike Dosa, it does not require as much pre-planning.


Mangai Thokku (Mango Pickle)

Most Indian households have as many different types of pickles in the house as they have relatives!!! Ours is no different – you can never have enough. Maangai Thokku is one of my favorites because I can control the oil and the spices and it tastes great with North or South Indian cuisine. Ingredients: Raw Green Mangoes – 2 large (approx 3 cups packed), finely chopped Oil – 4 tbsp (preferably Sesame Oil or Olive…

"Mangai Thokku (Mango Pickle)"