28 thoughts on “Homemade Drain Cleaner Tip

  1. Love this tip! Natural solutions like baking soda and vinegar are such a great alternative to harsh chemical drain cleaners. I’ve tried this method before, and it works well for small clogs. Do you think adding salt to the mix would make it more effective?

  2. I agree! The purpose of drains is to flush out wastewater from your home. Stagnant wastewater encourages bacterial growth, and the excess moisture can also lead to mold and mildew growth. A clean drain system helps keep your home clean, particularly in areas like the kitchen, where food is handled on a daily basis.

  3. I’m unable to view the tip, due to certain things being blocked on my computer at work. Based on comments, I can deduce that vinegar and baking soda are the ingredients. Can you reply by email to give the combination and proportion and any other ingredients.

    1. Hi Carol,

      There is no exact measurement. Just pour approx 1/4 cup of baking soda and follow it with about a cup of vinegar…any variation in amounts will probably still work 🙂

    1. Hi Pavithra,

      Baking powder has baking soda in it so it should work, but you would be wasting the other ingredients in the powder…you only need the soda.

    1. Hi Nisha,

      The vinegar is used basically as an acid to cause a reaction to the baking soda. Having said that, apple cider vinegar should work, however, it would probably be a lot cheaper to use regular white vinegar.

  4. Hi….
    I was surprised to know the ingredients for drain cleaning is ready at home.!!!!!!
    Thanx guys….it is a very helpful tip ever……..

  5. Hii guyss

    Thanks for the great tip..i always have problem with my kitchen sink and end up putting “DRANO”.will try this tip next time i have same the problem..

  6. This is a great one…works great…That’s the one I use once every couple of months to keep the sink from clogging up & whenever needed Great tip.

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