Garlic Bread

Garlic Bread adds an amazing aroma and flavor to Italian food. An Italian meal just can’t be complete without this wonderful, flavorful and so easy to make addition. Enjoy our favorite recipe for Garlic Bread made with fresh garlic and a little green chili for that little kick!

Prep Time – 5 min
Cook Time – 15 min (including toasting time)


Minced Garlic
Minced Green Chilies (optional)
Salt (if using unsalted Butter)
Dried Oregano


1. Depending on the bread you have, melt the required amount of Butter in a skillet.
2. Once melted, add in minced Garlic and Green Chilies.
3. Once mixed in add Salt (if you are using Unsalted Butter) and a pinch of dried Oregano.
4. Once the Garlic is cooked and has got a little color, take it off the flame.
5. Slice your bread to desired thickness and brush some of the mixture on it on one side.
6. Toast either in an Oven (350 degrees F until golden, approx 5-6 mins) or a Taster Oven till it is a little browned at the edges.
7. Serve hot with Pasta or Lasagna.

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How to make fresh garlic bread, easy garlic bread recipe, the best garlic bread recipe using fresh garlic cloves, spicy garlic bread.

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85 thoughts on “Garlic Bread

  1. Hi Anuja and Hetal,

    I got married recently and moved to US.
    I did’nt know cooking at all when I came here.But, now I think I am a pretty good cook making a lot of varieties of food.
    I should thank you both for helping me with with easy and delicious tasting recipes.I keep referring to your site a lot for cooking various items.

    1.Can you tell me the difference between broiler and normal oven?
    2.Also can you let me know how to keep deep fried items warm and crispy in case we make them early for a party to avoid last minute frying.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Lijji,

      Sorry we missed your question…Garlic bread tastes best when it is right out of the oven. You can prep the bread by spreading the garlic mixture but bake it right before serving.

    1. Hi Deepika,

      You can make it on a tawa but the texture will be different (still good). If you use cheese, it may make a mess on a tawa…oven will be better for cheese.

  2. hi Anuja/Hetal
    Your Garlic bread recipe’s look awesome. I have a question, you haven’t mentioned how much amount of garlic & green chilly has to be mentioned. Consider, I am going to prepare it for the same amount of bread that you have mentioned in the video, so many garlic & green chilly should I mince it.
    I don’t want my garlic bread to be too spicy or go out of taste, so wish to know them. Appreciate your reply.


    1. Hi Jeanne,

      We didn’t mention the quantity of either because it is dependent on your taste and how spicy your green chilies happen to be. You can always determine how much of the mixture to use based on what the overall taste is after cooking.

  3. Hi Hetal,
    Thanks a million for vegee recipies and showing how to make dishes. MY wife has gone to India for few months any time I hardly cook but i feel to eating something yuour website is as far as a click on my favorites. Great work keep it up!

  4. hi hetal and anuja

    thank u one for this superb amazing awesome recipe.

    i knw this question comes late but i have recently bought a bread toaster; so is it different from the toaster oven that u mention. I m not quite sure if i can butter my bread first and then put it in the toaster. If u cud just let me knw.

    Thanks in advance for your quick reply 🙂

    1. Hi Sheena,

      You cannot put a buttered bread into a regular toaster because it will be too close to the heating elements and cause smoke or fire. In a toaster oven, the bread remains flat and the heating element is higher up.

  5. Hey ladies…
    M 22 n a big big fan of cooking…i have always loved garlic bread so thought of making it…And thanks to u that u posted this recipe…It turned out to be just awesome…!!!! With every bite i took, came ”Mmmmmmmmm” from my mouth!!! It was so delicious… Keep up the good work n happy cooking… 😉

  6. hi Hetal and Anuja
    i love your website very much and perhaps i am addicted to it but i want to know how to make garlic sauce friends and family loves it very now we get the garlic sauce from restuarent so i wanted to know how to make it at home easily

  7. hey thanx anuja but actually i wanted the rcp of thin sev, the one used in bhelpuri,sevpuri etc. i just love chaats but unfortunately people in kerala are not aware of these kindof food. and sev, chatmasalas are not easily available here

  8. I read that kalonji is used in aachar. Actually they are onion seeds according to my mom and mostly used by marwari and rajasthanee people when they make mirch pickle.I thought let me share my knowledge.
    by the way you two girls rock.keep it up.

  9. Hi Hetal & Anuja

    I love your website and all the recipes you post ! They are very simple and you make them look so uncomplicated ( thought some of them really are )

    I have a request can you please post a recipe for PURAN POLI or Vedhmi ( we call that in Guju )

    And love all your efforts


  10. Hi anuja, hetal

    Just curious – why did you apply the mixture only on one side of the bread? To keep it mild and not too garlicy?


  11. Hi
    is it not better to use the long bun and wrap it in aluminium foil and then keep it in oven??
    I do it that way and the bread is soft afer baking!
    I like it that way!!!

  12. hetal and anuja ,u 2 are ur way of presentation,it makes the recepie seem so easy.loved ur garlic bread,now my daughter makes it for all of us.i would also like 2 know what is nigella seeds n where do u use it,is it a herb.

  13. Hi Anuja and Hetal.

    me and my wife have been following your recipes from some time now and we absolutely love them.

    i had one samll doubt please. i have searched google and it says oregano = ajwain and basil leaves = tulsi patta… is this right ?

    thanks 🙂

    1. Hi Nishant,

      Oregano – the leaves from the ajwain plant
      Basil Leaves – It is tulsi BUT a different variety and NOT the Indian Tulsi

      For this recipe, if you can’t find substitutes, I’d suggest skipping these 2 ingredients and the bread will still taste awesome.
      Enjoy 🙂

  14. Hi,

    Thanks for this wonderful recipe. I tried it yesterday along with Pasta and it was a huge hit with my hubby and daughter. No more ordering garlic bread from Pizza hut!! Thanks again.

  15. Hi
    Anuja and Hetal
    I liked ur video of Pani Puri and I am going to try out this week. For this recipe I was waiting for long time. Thanks a lot, as I love panipuris. I will try out and let u know.

  16. Hi
    Hetal and Anuja
    I realy liked this recipe as I would like to try it out. But I do not have Oven, shall I do it on Tava for roasting.
    Thank you.

      1. Thanks Hetal!
        I gave this a shot with a friend and came out well. I added some oregano/Italian bruschetta spice mix that I had and that seemed to be a good complement too 🙂

        Thank u!

        1. yoooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo post nly veg recipiesd dummies……………….k………………………

  17. Hi Anuja and Hetal
    I tried this recipe today for lunch with a pizza(Store bought). It was mmmmm…yummy!!! 🙂 we always ordered garlic bread with our pizza … and today we did not order since i thought i should make fresh garlic bread….and it came out so well….

    you guys are doing a great job. We can see the amount of hard work being put in this website and recipes.And the best part is even the little complex recipes are put in such a simple way….
    All the best !!

  18. Great recipe…and looks so simple too…can heroes bread be used instead of italian or french bread?….it looks similar to italian bread

    1. There are a couple of ways of toasting this bread. You can set your oven temp to 350 F and bake until bread is slightly brown. This gives you a crispy garlic bread. You can also broil on high until the bread is slightly brown. This will give you crispy top with soft bottom. You can also push the toast button on your toaster oven if you have one.

  19. Hi,

    Please let me know the temperature of the oven for toasting the bread and for how long the bread must be in the oven.


    1. Hi Pramila,

      There are a couple of ways of toasting this bread. You can set your oven temp to 350 F and bake until bread is slightly brown. This gives you a crispy garlic bread. You can also broil on high until the bread is slightly brown. This will give you crispy top with soft bottom. You can also push the toast button on your toaster oven if you have one.

      1. Should we turn the bread in the process of baking?? Which side should be facing upwards while baking? the one with the garlic butter? or the empty side?

        1. Hi Jenni,

          The buttered side is up and there is no need to flip it. If you like complete crispy bread, you can use the BAKE function. If you like the top to be crispy and the bottom to be soft, you can BROIL.

  20. Hi Hetal and Anuja

    Thanks a ton for this recipe. That green chillies stuff is such a twist … am gonna make this tomorrow. well .. i don’t need pasta or anything .. can eat this just like that .. he he ..

  21. Great Receipe! I love Garlic Bread but hated the frozen version.. now I can have it any time I want. You guys are doing great! Could you please post receipe for Lasagna?

  22. I tried this receipe and it was awesome..the whole loaf of bread was disappeared in no time 🙂
    However, would like to let you know..that I had some leftover butter from this recipe and thought would be great to reuse it next morning. The butter solidifies after some time and this flavored butter again satisfied our craving for garlic bread..
    Great going ladies…you are awesome

  23. By the way, I love your version and will try it next time I make it. I never thought about adding green chilies, but it looks really good. We always love a little kick to our food.

    Thanks ladies.

  24. I have a very quick and easy version of garlic bread.

    1)French bread
    2)1 tbsp Butter
    3)1 tbsp Olive Oil
    4) 3-4 garlic cloves – minced
    5)Cheese (optional)
    6)Paprika or red chili powder (optional)

    In a small bowl, take minced garlic, butter and olive oil and microwave it for only ONE MINUTE, otherwise the garlic will burn. Cut the bread in half (vertically) and put it in a baking tray and put the bread in the boiler. Keep it in there ’till it has some redness on the bread (maybe 1-3 mins) depending on how fast/slow your boiler works. Take it out and brush the butter/ garlic on the warm bread. You can add some cheese on it and put it back for few seconds or sprinkle some red paprika or red chili cut (don’t put it in the oven if you add this) and cut it with bread knife.

    This recipe always works and always has great flavor.

  25. Hi
    I am an Indian (AP),I came to US recently I love noodles can u please help me what type of noodles tastes good what brand and where can i get.Thanx

    1. Hi Kiran,
      We usually buy noodles from an Oriental Grocery store. They have a lot of varieties and flavors, we use the egg noodles and the regular ones.Right now we have a brand called ‘Dragon Brand’. Most of the ones we have bought have been good.

  26. hiiiii

    I tried this recipe and it was so delicious…. thank u for such a wonderful recipe,,,, can i substitute oregeno leaves with anyone,, i didn,t found that in any super market here(australia)

  27. This is is like you guys are reading my mind. During Diwali I was craving chocolatle burfi and sure enough, you uploaded that. Just yesterday, I was thinking about asking you guys to give us the recipe for Garlic bread and here it is..
    Thanx for reading my mind. May be my husband needs some training from you 😉

    btw, I missed the Tuesday tip section. I checked the website every hour – yep, I am addicted to! but no pressure 🙂

    1. Hi there,
      Thank you for such a sweet email, made us smile and laugh and gave us that satisfaction that all the effort and hard work we put in is so worth it (every once in a while we need to hear things like this)!
      Now about husbands…hmmm, another story, another website… 😉

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